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At Home and In Paris

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

A Lovely Day ...

Oh, did I mention that we're well into the second Year of Covid-19 uncertainty, with 14.5 million shots delivered in the whole of France and I’m quite certain that there are many months to go until it’s our turn.

It seemed that our age group falls right in the middle between the over 75’s, who were still in line for the vaccine when the supply line for Pfizer opened again in late March, and those 40 to 55 who qualify for the Astra-Zeneca. Ooopps, at first not recommended for older people and now pulled to the side altogether due to concerns for safety. At the rate the EU had been going, with its incredibly slow and complicated roll-out, we thought that we’d have to be content to be inoculated sometime by the end of Spring.

But in the meantime, there were lovely days, chilly but sunny, when we walked to the Jardin de Tuileries and sat in the sun watching the fountains full of ducks, the progress of the renovation of the gardens on either side of the grand promenade and the multi-annual re-planting of the flower gardens.

We’re not given to taking selfies, but we had to document these odd times, which we will hopefully have the opportunity to forget one day. But I can’t help wonder who the wise-guy was that said, “One day all life on earth will give way to the virus, the last remaining species.”

I have a theory based on absolutely fake science, more likely science fiction. In my squirrelly imagination, Mother nature has been watching over Earth and finally realized that the only real threat to life on the planet is mankind. So, she sent a new thorny virus to thin out our population, leaving the air nearly free of pollutants, and the wildlife, trees and flowers flourishing everywhere. Surely, it seemed a possibility when we visited the Bois de Vincennes in the South East of Paris and met up with some wonderful friends in the great outdoors, teaming with wild Canadian Ducks and their tiny ducklings and peacocks and peahens, all enjoying the wide open spaces free of most of the human intruders on the two island i the middle of the lake in the park.

Now back home, oh how I wish to fly away through the window!

Luckily, the vaccines have finally arrived in large quantities and we are fortunate enough to get the joyous jab, along with a needed measure of hope for the future in April.

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Unknown member
May 01, 2021

Glad to see you are both well. I have thought of both of you frequently in the last few months, wondering what things were like, given the pandemic. So it was wonderful to get this lovely update. Be well.


drjudith Goodman
drjudith Goodman
May 01, 2021

So good to see you both among the lush green backgrounds. What an adventure. Next year I am going on a barge in the burgundy region. I’m sure Paris will be a stop unless something interferes with the plans. After covid, nothing is certain but that’s my plan. If so, maybe we can have some time to be together for a walk or a meal. Be well and safe. Judith Goodman

Judith Mitrani
Judith Mitrani
Jul 28, 2022
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I hope you made it or that you will still make it and that we will see you in Paris at least for apero and champagne In our apartment. Please don’t hesitate to call or text when you know your dates of arrival. All of my contact information is on my website 💛


Judith Hyman
May 01, 2021

Wonderful to catch up on a bit of your life! The new man in my life had a home near St Tropez with many friends abroad. Some day we will join the birds and fly over to see you too!

Judith Mitrani
Judith Mitrani
Apr 15, 2022
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We await your visit and shall receive you with pleasure ❣️


monica horovitz
May 01, 2021

Félicitations Mona

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